Kristelle asked me to write about my DYT journey, which literally began in January. I had seen a picture she posted and we had a little chat...which led me to the DYT site. I started watching the videos and ordered the book.
Now, I'm a veteran it took me 3 weeks to read the book. By then, after watching the videos, I knew I was a "Big Ole 3". And, typical of a BO3, I skipped everything that didn't have to do with me. :D
Here's a picture of me from January 15th, just as I was getting into the videos.
I thought I looked good. I thought I was doing something I'd never done before by accentuating my waistline.
The day after I wore this monstrosity, I got to the videos about structure, color, shape and texture. BOY. That was an eye opener. That weekend, I went through my closet and had to delete literally 3/4 of everything I had! They were all black, white or round. In some cases, they were black, white AND round. I went shopping that weekend.
Then I watched the hair and makeup courses. BOY was I working everything wrong. First, I'd stopped wearing makeup. Figured I was old and round and should just not even bother. I normally wear my hair really cropped, but new I needed a little more volume at my weight/size, so I styled it differently based on the video information.
Here's one of the outfits I found without my color cards (which hadn't arrived yet), with makeup and hair:
I feel like a whole new person! I almost want to take a picture a day so I can see how different I look. I definitely feel different and a lot of folks at work have noticed. So, thank you Carol Tuttle and Kristelle for getting me back on track to being ME again!
Princess Fedup2here
A blog about my life discoveries made using the "Dressing Your Truth" energy profile program created by Carol Tuttle....and inviting you to join in!
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Bold Alert: Pink and Black; Red and Black
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Pic of Erica, Type 2, today
:) Erica
Friday, January 18, 2013
Kristelle's passion inspired me....from Jennifer D.--Type 3
Hello---i'm Jennifer. Both Kristelle and Erica came to me through facebook this past year.
Through common explorations into universal energies, Kristelle had posted her discovery about Carol's Dressing Your Truth program on her site and it came toppling into my world and i am so happy it did. Of course as a type 3 (now that I know) I would just jump in and get very passionate about it and then make it happen....and I am. I am also very thankful for having Kristelle to lean against for support while trying to get it all in order.
My passage through the DYT has been exciting. At first i did the free e-mails and thought it to be quite impossible to pick a 'dominant' trait for myself (and others) as i pride myself in being balanced in my energies (haha...i had thought so :P). For me, Carol seemed to also be passionate about her discovery, and i read a bit about more about her studies in general and realized she had something really important to say so I decided to make the investment to learn more about energies and true natures of people and how appearance affects this interpretation. I purchased the DYT course for 99 US dollars and way worth its weight in gold. You get the book, special color chart and how to pick your clothes for your type, and access into to the resources including interviews dedicated to certain topics for your type and other miscellaneous info.
So, after reading the book i thought i was a type 1. But after a few days i couldn't get into the thought that type was me. I went over and over and reviewed the ever important face profiling video (only for members) and reviewed the videos...and realized type 1 was not me. Then I saw a lot of type 4 in me, but as i am not overly still in movement nor introvert in nature that wasn't my dominant. I use my hands a lot and i am very emphatic when i speak. I reread the book and watched more and it hit me...I was a type three! I laughed cause all along I could relate to the three energy 'look' -- the swift moving one, unlike the type 1 energy which is much higher in movement. Those energy movements was a key to the discovery for me. I am extrovert in nature (although do like my quiet time and reflection time) and i use hand gestures when speaking and my voice can get raspy cause i emphasize and over-emphasize (my poor kids!!!!) things when i get passionate about them. I walk determined and get all my many tasks completed if i set out to do them--even if it takes me all night. Always have a project on hand, never short of things to try, explore and GET DONE. So...Type 3 it was. It was important to see myself in all 4 types and then eliminate and then go full on and then it was really easy to see. was off to look in my, amazing. Nearly everything was heavily textured, that wearing of a carpet sort of clothing, heavy weaves, heavy hand spun woolen sweaters, belts, edgy jackets, and the colors...ahem...brown, more brown,, like Erica (see her blog) i was almost there for clothes. My hair is naturally curly so needed to give it a bit more of an edgy look by highlighting it in warm gold tones---which i did---before my hair styling recently, my color of hair was chestnut in color (natural golden blond growing up) with natural gray (which is not so great for type 3 cause it is too cool and our energy dictates warmth). But now i have the highlights and it makes a world of difference both exteriorly and interiorly.
Since taking on and being quite obsessive about DYT as of late, I just feel full of energy. As though my clothes are no longer separate from myself. It's really changed my life. How something so simple can be so enlightening. I figure we stumble upon these paths when the time is right---thank you Kristelle for bringing it to me and listening to your truth and expressing it.
Through common explorations into universal energies, Kristelle had posted her discovery about Carol's Dressing Your Truth program on her site and it came toppling into my world and i am so happy it did. Of course as a type 3 (now that I know) I would just jump in and get very passionate about it and then make it happen....and I am. I am also very thankful for having Kristelle to lean against for support while trying to get it all in order.
My passage through the DYT has been exciting. At first i did the free e-mails and thought it to be quite impossible to pick a 'dominant' trait for myself (and others) as i pride myself in being balanced in my energies (haha...i had thought so :P). For me, Carol seemed to also be passionate about her discovery, and i read a bit about more about her studies in general and realized she had something really important to say so I decided to make the investment to learn more about energies and true natures of people and how appearance affects this interpretation. I purchased the DYT course for 99 US dollars and way worth its weight in gold. You get the book, special color chart and how to pick your clothes for your type, and access into to the resources including interviews dedicated to certain topics for your type and other miscellaneous info.
Since taking on and being quite obsessive about DYT as of late, I just feel full of energy. As though my clothes are no longer separate from myself. It's really changed my life. How something so simple can be so enlightening. I figure we stumble upon these paths when the time is right---thank you Kristelle for bringing it to me and listening to your truth and expressing it.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Posting from Kristelle's TYPE 2 Sister, Erica
OK, so my sister has a new hair style, jewelry that looks amazing, clothing that is fabulous, and I now see her in a new light, literally, its bright, folks! She glows! I have never seen her so alive before.
She told me about this program, and at first glance, I was interested. After reading through the types, I was so "2" that the other types were not even close. Maybe the 4 a bit, so that is my secondary.
Right away, I went to my closet to see how I have been dressing...and to my amazement, they were 95% gray toned. Wow. I was already drawn to my natural self. My hair, curly, flowy, as you can see.... All I had to do was to add a few more pieces of jewelry that were longer in length and some cozy scarves, and BAM, I was feeling right with the land. I was so close to it already, but the final touches really made a difference.
Knowing that it was ok to wear long flowy clothes, longer necklaces, the muted colors, the S-curved edging, long skirts with earthy colors...well, it made me feel authentic, to be happy in my own skin, and now I had proof. I wasn't TRYING to be artsy or hippyish, I wanted to be comfortable, flowy, natural, curvy, relaxed. I love this pic below. Its not me, but I want it to be, hehe. The colors, the long necklaces, everything about it. I found this on a pinterest page.
I will post more pics of my own choices soon.
I want to thank my sister, for being such a strong woman, my guide in life, someone I can call from a ferry line when I am feeling stressed about something. I am so proud of her, and how she helps so many of us, as we navigate through this life. It's so much better with her in it.
Love you, Sis!
She told me about this program, and at first glance, I was interested. After reading through the types, I was so "2" that the other types were not even close. Maybe the 4 a bit, so that is my secondary.

Right away, I went to my closet to see how I have been dressing...and to my amazement, they were 95% gray toned. Wow. I was already drawn to my natural self. My hair, curly, flowy, as you can see.... All I had to do was to add a few more pieces of jewelry that were longer in length and some cozy scarves, and BAM, I was feeling right with the land. I was so close to it already, but the final touches really made a difference.
Knowing that it was ok to wear long flowy clothes, longer necklaces, the muted colors, the S-curved edging, long skirts with earthy colors...well, it made me feel authentic, to be happy in my own skin, and now I had proof. I wasn't TRYING to be artsy or hippyish, I wanted to be comfortable, flowy, natural, curvy, relaxed. I love this pic below. Its not me, but I want it to be, hehe. The colors, the long necklaces, everything about it. I found this on a pinterest page.
I will post more pics of my own choices soon.
I want to thank my sister, for being such a strong woman, my guide in life, someone I can call from a ferry line when I am feeling stressed about something. I am so proud of her, and how she helps so many of us, as we navigate through this life. It's so much better with her in it.
Love you, Sis!
Change and Learning: Hair and Colors
Most of you know that I have a new haircut now. Yep, it is the shortest I have ever had it, and I just love it.
At first I was resisting the thought of cutting it, thinking, "gosh all these type 4's have straight short hair, it seems...I don't want to be just one of the crowd..." (which is a totally type 4 thing to think, just saying). But then it just HAD to go. One day I just woke up and said, that's it, it's time.
May be that I had just been seeing all these fabulous type 4 women on the Facebook group devoted to just to us. (Did you know that there is one just for YOUR type too? It is so cool to check it out and feel "at home" there!) But for whatever the reason, I did it, and I love, love, love the results.
Now I know how much time I actually spent fussing about my was never right. Now I get it right in the morning and it is right all day. Ahhhhhhhhh....... Look at the difference Before and After:
My head feels heavy just LOOKING at the before picture. How did I hold my head up under all that???
Tint is T1, which means white has been added to a
hue (pure color). This can be tricky because some tints are just
*barely* tints, meaning on a small fraction of white dye was added. It
is those really bright, borderline tints that a lot of T1/4 friends love
most, because it matches their personal energy/vibration the best.
Tone is T2, which means grey has been added to a hue (pure color). This, again, can be tricky because some tones are just *barely* tones, meaning the manufacturer may only have added just a minute amount of grey to the dye. Even a small percentage of grey added to the dye will make it a tone, and therefore a T2.
Shade is T3, which means black has been added to a hue (pure color). This results in a rich, "dirty" look. Again, this is tricky when only s small part of black has been added.
>>Heather M.: I would say adding 'brown' to a chroma will also result in a T3 hue.<<
>>Tip: roll the fabric over your finger. Does the surface appear dusty/dirty/faded or dull? If yes, it's not a T4, but likely a T2 or T3.
Chroma/Pure What makes T4 colors T4 is that nothing has been added to the dye to change it to something else. Now, if you want to get into types of color, that's another story; do a Google search for that. Neons or Florescents are an entirely different category of color, and within that spectrum, Renee *believes* there are also options for T1s, T2s, and T3s; she's seen Carol wear a T3 green that looked neon on her, but when compared it to a T4 neon green it looked dirty.
How are you doing with your seeing YOUR colors now? I know some of you have just begun, but share whatever you like about your journey.
Personally, I'm not drawn to wearing stripes or bolder colors....yet. However, there is a clear bright pink T and a black hoodie coming to me soon, so I'll post what that looks like when I get it. Oh, and a pink and black scarf....oh, my. (I think orange is still years away on the horizon...or yellow...but my type 4 friends say it is all about the KIND of orange and yellow, so I'm keeping my mind open. Next I might try green...hmmmm....)
Would love to hear from you all...
At first I was resisting the thought of cutting it, thinking, "gosh all these type 4's have straight short hair, it seems...I don't want to be just one of the crowd..." (which is a totally type 4 thing to think, just saying). But then it just HAD to go. One day I just woke up and said, that's it, it's time.
May be that I had just been seeing all these fabulous type 4 women on the Facebook group devoted to just to us. (Did you know that there is one just for YOUR type too? It is so cool to check it out and feel "at home" there!) But for whatever the reason, I did it, and I love, love, love the results.
Now I know how much time I actually spent fussing about my was never right. Now I get it right in the morning and it is right all day. Ahhhhhhhhh....... Look at the difference Before and After:
My head feels heavy just LOOKING at the before picture. How did I hold my head up under all that???
What do you think?
The next topic I want to talk about is color, hue, and chroma. I won't pretend to say that I know what their definition is, but I'm starting to be able to see the differences, and which one belongs to what type.
Here's a great definition/explanation put on our type 4 Facebook group page:
Tone is T2, which means grey has been added to a hue (pure color). This, again, can be tricky because some tones are just *barely* tones, meaning the manufacturer may only have added just a minute amount of grey to the dye. Even a small percentage of grey added to the dye will make it a tone, and therefore a T2.
Shade is T3, which means black has been added to a hue (pure color). This results in a rich, "dirty" look. Again, this is tricky when only s small part of black has been added.
>>Heather M.: I would say adding 'brown' to a chroma will also result in a T3 hue.<<
>>Tip: roll the fabric over your finger. Does the surface appear dusty/dirty/faded or dull? If yes, it's not a T4, but likely a T2 or T3.
Chroma/Pure What makes T4 colors T4 is that nothing has been added to the dye to change it to something else. Now, if you want to get into types of color, that's another story; do a Google search for that. Neons or Florescents are an entirely different category of color, and within that spectrum, Renee *believes* there are also options for T1s, T2s, and T3s; she's seen Carol wear a T3 green that looked neon on her, but when compared it to a T4 neon green it looked dirty.
How are you doing with your seeing YOUR colors now? I know some of you have just begun, but share whatever you like about your journey.
Personally, I'm not drawn to wearing stripes or bolder colors....yet. However, there is a clear bright pink T and a black hoodie coming to me soon, so I'll post what that looks like when I get it. Oh, and a pink and black scarf....oh, my. (I think orange is still years away on the horizon...or yellow...but my type 4 friends say it is all about the KIND of orange and yellow, so I'm keeping my mind open. Next I might try green...hmmmm....)
Would love to hear from you all...
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