I'm so thrilled that several more are joining our merry band, as we chart the unknown waters of ourselves with this simple tool of Dressing Your Truth. Thanks for joining us here!
Of course there are other tools, other methods, and other experiences that can help reveal ourselves to ourselves, but this is a really fun one! And it gives me permission to play with pretty things that give me an immediate sense of feedback...it's either a hit of "yuck, that doesn't work" or "man, that DOES look good" (or in some cases...OMG raspberry pink with black stripes DOES brighten my face and make me look a foot taller--are you serious?).
I am serious. Erika and I were walking through Siren Boutique, a delightful women's fashion store on Orcas, and it seemed to be a place devoted mostly to Type 2's (
Soft, Subtle to use the Dressing Your Truth terms) with a healthy dose of Type 3 (
Rich, Dynamic). Exploring her Type 2-ness, Erika found so many things with those wonderful flowing lines.
On the rack, I noticed a long-sleeve T in a color/design combination that I normally avoid like the plague: horizontal stripes.
Yep....I saw it, thought
OMG that's just too much and pulled it up to my face and said, "Erika, this is supposed to be good for a Type 4, but it
isn't, is it?" She looked and me and went "Wow, that is so amazing for you! It just lights up your face!"
Wha?????? No!!!!!!!! It can't be!
Thinking my sister must have been low on blood-sugar or something, I stepped tentatively to the mirror. Boom...there it was. My eyes were defined, my skin tone was even, my hair looked like it had just come out of the salon, and THERE I WAS.
I was visible on the horizon. Seen amongst the soft gray shapes of everything else around me, it was a bit of a shock, and a great blow to my keen fashion sense which had heretofore consisted of anything that would help me blend in.
Well, except for my penchant for sparkles.
Hmmmmm....sparkles....those who know me, know about me and sparkles. I've always been drawn to those tiny points of light that dazzle, and which seem to have their own power source. (As a toddler, my sister called them "Pockles", and she always said it
with breathless delight. It charmed me then, and the memory of it still does to this day.)
Perhaps that whole obsession was my true energetic nature trying to get out. Covered up in clothes that helped me "play small", my true type 4 could come out in only one way: sparkly jewelry and plenty of it. What an insight!
My next step is to now live "insight out".
I'm learning that when I dress in the bold, clear colors and structured lines that help me truly communicate who I am, I don't need the sparkles as much. My jewelry is simple, bold, big, shiny and still. Yes, sparkles still work for me. (They embody that shiny, reflective, calm image of a still lake or a frozen pond or a dark starry night.) But I'm not putting so much pressure on them to carry my true nature. I am revealing more of my self not only to me, but to strangers on the street. I met a lot of new people on Orcas while visiting. And probably more of them met the real me in the first 30 seconds than has ever happened before.
Erika had a few moments of "wow" this weekend as she saw me play with these different elements of line, color and texture. (I'll tell you more about our jewelry-making extravaganza later!) And whenever she did, I had to breathe it in: "Yes, this is really me."
It's not easy to live insight out. I'm still scared sometimes, wondering if I've really gone over the edge. But I haven't fallen yet, or skinned my knees or anything. So I'll continue on...boldly going where I haven't gone before (even if it means raspberry pink with dark black stripes).